Exhibition in Zurich

Exhibition «Photobastei» Zurich
Thanks to all visitors. It was a pleasure to meet you all!


One day….. yes…. one day i will live like a butterfly and fly towards my longing.


Commercial Photoshoot for the
noble office furniture „Step module“!
A symbiosis of classic design and
clean lines in connection with body art


What is Human other than Stone, Tree,
Air, Energy? Nature, Earth, Sky, Sun,
Moon – everything is made out the
same particles!





I am I – and I give myself
completely towards life,
full of grace, dignity and awe.


Time to dream, time to be –
She feels free and beautiful and asks herself:
Can dreams be to big, too limitless, too fantastic?


Photographer Bruno Birkhofer

Photographer Bruno Birkhofer

The Photoschool for Nudephotography and Portraitphotography

Welcome to photographer Bruno Birkhofer. Learn with me how to take photographs in the best light. Our photo school offers photo courses for beginners up to workshops for professionals in the areas of portrait, fashion and nude photography. Do you want to learn how to put people in the best light? Then you are at the right place here.

Next Courses in englisch follow soon

Bruno Birkhofer

Online Shop:

Portrait-Kurs | CHF 19.90 >>
Grundlagen und Tipps für Einsteiger in die Portrait-Fotografie mit Schwerpunkt zur Fotografie mit natürlichem Licht mit wenigen Hilfsmitteln.


Portrait-Kurs 2 | CHF 19.90 >>
Tipps für Einsteiger in die Portrait-Fotografie mit Schwerpunkt zur Fotografie mit entfesselten Systemblitzen.


Wikipedia: Definition Fotograf | Fotograf als Beruf: Berufsberatung | Projekt: schuelfoti.ch | Programmierung Website: screensolutions gmbh
